Glossary Pt. 2: Important Herbal Actions

Adaptogen: Increases body’s endurance and resistance to physical, chemical and biological stressors—helps the body cope and adapt. 

Alterative: Gradually restores health and vitality through assimilation of nutrients, waste elimination and returning to proper function

Analgesic: Relieves pain when administered internally or externally

Antacid: Neutralizes excess acid in stomach and intestinal tract

Anticatarrhal: Counteracts the buildup of excess mucus and inflammation in sinus and upper respiratory parts

Antidepressant: Helps relieve and or prevent depressed states of mind. 

Anti-emetic: Relieves nausea and vomiting

Anti-inflammatory: Combats extensive and painful inflammation

Anti-microbial: helps body’s immune system destroy and or resist the proliferation of pathogenic micro-organisms (viral/bacterial) 

Anti-oxidant: protects the body against free radical damage

Antiseptic: Prevents and eliminates sepsis

Antispasmodic: Prevents and eases spasms and cramps

Aperient: gently stimulating to the digestive system. Very mild laxative. 

Astringent: Contracts, Firms and Strengthens body tissue

Bitter: Stimulates normal Secretion of digestive juices and benefits digestion. 

Carminative: Rich in aromatic volatile oils. Sweet/spicy/fragrant aroma and pleasant flavor will excite peristalsis, promote expulsion of gas. Soothe stomach and support healthy digestion. 

Cholagogue: Promotes discharge and flow of bile from the gallbladder

Demulcent: mucilaginous herbs to relax, soothe and protect tissue

Diaphoretic: induces perspiration, dilates capillaries, and increases elimination via the skin

Diuretic: increases flow of urine

Emmenagogue: Increases menstural flow

Emollient: Soften, soothes and protects skin

Expectorant: supports respiratory system by removing excess mucus

Ferbifuge: Assists body to reduce fever

Galactagogue: increases flow of mother’s milk

Hemostatic: Arrests bleeding

Hypnotic: Powerful relaxant and sedative action; induces sleep

Hypotensive: Reduces elevated blood pressure

Immune stimulant: Stimulates immune system to fight infection

Laxative: Promotes evacuation of bowels 

Lymphatic: Supports health and movement of the lymphatic system

Nervine: has a relaxing and stimulating or toning effect on the nervous system

Refrigerant: cooling agents to lower body temp

Sedative: Calms nervous system, reduces stress and nervous irritation with in the body

Sialagoguge: Promotes flow of saliva

Stimulant: Warms body, quickens circulation, breaks up congestion

Stomachic: tonic to the stomach

Syptic: Reduces and stops external bleeding

Tonic: Improves assimilation of nutrients. Improves systemic tone, increases body’s vigor and strength. 

Vasodialator: Expands blood vessels and increases circulation

Vulnerary: Assists the body to eat wounds (external). 

Adrianne Hunt

House of Hens and Grit is all about giving people access to the power of herbal medicine. Along the way, I share what I’ve learned with those looking for better options. Whether you’ve been following along on Instagram, or you’re just meeting me for the first time here on my website, I’m glad you’re here and happy to invite you to benefit from what I have to offer. I hope it helps you on your own path to health and wellness. Sending care and affection to you, from the House of Hens and Grit.

Echinacea: For First Signs of Sickness


Glossary Pt. 1: Herbal Terms