Glossary Pt. 2: Important Herbal Actions
Adaptogen: Increases body’s endurance and resistance to physical, chemical and biological stressors—helps the body cope and adapt.
Alterative: Gradually restores health and vitality through assimilation of nutrients, waste elimination and returning to proper function
Analgesic: Relieves pain when administered internally or externally
Antacid: Neutralizes excess acid in stomach and intestinal tract
Anticatarrhal: Counteracts the buildup of excess mucus and inflammation in sinus and upper respiratory parts
Antidepressant: Helps relieve and or prevent depressed states of mind.
Anti-emetic: Relieves nausea and vomiting
Anti-inflammatory: Combats extensive and painful inflammation
Anti-microbial: helps body’s immune system destroy and or resist the proliferation of pathogenic micro-organisms (viral/bacterial)
Anti-oxidant: protects the body against free radical damage
Antiseptic: Prevents and eliminates sepsis
Antispasmodic: Prevents and eases spasms and cramps
Aperient: gently stimulating to the digestive system. Very mild laxative.
Astringent: Contracts, Firms and Strengthens body tissue
Bitter: Stimulates normal Secretion of digestive juices and benefits digestion.
Carminative: Rich in aromatic volatile oils. Sweet/spicy/fragrant aroma and pleasant flavor will excite peristalsis, promote expulsion of gas. Soothe stomach and support healthy digestion.
Cholagogue: Promotes discharge and flow of bile from the gallbladder
Demulcent: mucilaginous herbs to relax, soothe and protect tissue
Diaphoretic: induces perspiration, dilates capillaries, and increases elimination via the skin
Diuretic: increases flow of urine
Emmenagogue: Increases menstural flow
Emollient: Soften, soothes and protects skin
Expectorant: supports respiratory system by removing excess mucus
Ferbifuge: Assists body to reduce fever
Galactagogue: increases flow of mother’s milk
Hemostatic: Arrests bleeding
Hypnotic: Powerful relaxant and sedative action; induces sleep
Hypotensive: Reduces elevated blood pressure
Immune stimulant: Stimulates immune system to fight infection
Laxative: Promotes evacuation of bowels
Lymphatic: Supports health and movement of the lymphatic system
Nervine: has a relaxing and stimulating or toning effect on the nervous system
Refrigerant: cooling agents to lower body temp
Sedative: Calms nervous system, reduces stress and nervous irritation with in the body
Sialagoguge: Promotes flow of saliva
Stimulant: Warms body, quickens circulation, breaks up congestion
Stomachic: tonic to the stomach
Syptic: Reduces and stops external bleeding
Tonic: Improves assimilation of nutrients. Improves systemic tone, increases body’s vigor and strength.
Vasodialator: Expands blood vessels and increases circulation
Vulnerary: Assists the body to eat wounds (external).